Member-only story
Shut Yarmouth and Listen
Day: 275
Towns / Cities Visited: 181
Countries Visited: 30
Steps Taken Today: 6,568
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The sun rose, and I with it, my emotions swirling around me unrestrained. I have often found it difficult to recognise within myself the subtle differences between excitement and anxiety, and as I lay in bed, I found myself in a familiar uncategorisable mood. To meet my grandfather’s sister, Rose, was one hurdle, easily met and dealt with. To meet my late grandmother’s Rose though, even the thought of it made my eyes well with tears. Most who know me well will tell you that crying is my regular response for emotions ranging from happy all the way through the spectrum to sadness. If I’m angry, I cry; if I’m frustrated, I cry; if you’re kind to me, I cry; if you give me a sincere compliment, I cry; hell, if I’m having a super depressed day and you tell me the due date for an assignment, I’ll be fighting back the urge to cry. Who knows what it is but any and all overwhelming feelings will inevitably result in me crying, it’s just the way I’m wired. Unfortunately, from my experience, the problem is most people don’t know how to deal with people crying. They simply assume the tears are the result of sadness and thus they must endeavour to make you happy. Crying makes others uncomfortable and they will try and avoid any and all situations in which tears are involved. Anyone who is like me though, will tell you that the best thing you can do is just…