Do Go Chasing Rainbow Falls

Return Date Unknown
7 min readJun 22, 2022

Day: 316

Towns / Cities Visited: 212

Countries Visited: 31

Steps Taken Today: 25,713

Steps Taken Around the World: 4,978,669

Given that I sleep to a soundtrack of thunderstorms and rain, you would think that the gentle patter that stirred me from my sleep would be welcome. Today though, given the fact I was about to pack down the tent, it was not. Luckily, it stopped pretty quickly, but we were still left with an annoyingly damp collection of canvas to try and fold, roll, and jam into bags.

We prevailed in spite of the challenges, although much grumbling occurred, and we were soon bidding farewell to our temporary home in the depths of the Otways. Before we were to venture to our next destination, however, we had one last adventure on the cards, and one we hadn’t even considered until we’d seen it on a local map: a hike to Rainbow Falls. We knew very little of it, and Google doesn’t have it marked on its map at all, but we knew it shared a trailhead with the cemetery we had visited two days prior. As such, we parked near the Cape Otway Lightstation, grabbed our backpack, and headed off on the eleven kilometre round trip through the wilds of the clifftops to the elusive beachside waterfall.

The walk itself was pleasant enough, despite a few tiresome ascents, and descents that only reminded me they would be ascents on the way back. Still, the path was shaded for the most part, and there was forgiveness to be…



Return Date Unknown

On my dream trip to travel the world, taste its foods, see its wonders, and meet all the strange and beautiful people who reside here.