Member-only story
A Victor Reap Lap
Day: 340
Towns / Cities Visited: 238
Countries Visited: 31
Steps Taken Today: 21,793
Steps Taken Around the World: 5,376,205
So, you know how I thought yesterday was shit. I take it back, all of it. Yesterday was a walk in the park. Give me more minor phone-based inconveniences over the hellhole that was today. There are some days that come around every once in a while to make you question all of your choices. You know, like that day we were stuck at a random Italian train station somewhere between Verona and Milan for seven hours or so thanks to a power outage on the train line. Much like that day, our woes were courtesy of bad weather, like this trip needed more meteorological nonsense. So, if you’re looking for a happy, sunshine and puppies kind of story, this one might not be for you.
Where to start on this one. Well, we awoke having managed to get through the night without any damage, or so we though until we ventured out to assess the tent and found that the section where the fly zips onto the tent had torn a good foot or so from the main tent. Fucking brilliant. Not wanting to cause anymore damage with the continuing strong wind warning, we admitted defeat and removed the fly, agreeing it was better that the main tent weather the rain than have the tear get any bigger. Still, we were going to have to fix things at some point. After all, the fly was what stopped our sleeping area being covered in condensation every day.