Member-only story
A Launceston Time Coming
Day: 280
Towns / Cities Visited: 183
Countries Visited: 31
Steps Taken Today: 14,984
Steps Taken Around the World: 4,445,239
Welcome back everyone. Look, I know I only just finished posting my Europe blogs, but in truth it has been over two years since we arrived back. Unless you have been living under a rock, you’ll be aware that a lot has happened since then. Mainly, of course, COVID 19 rocking up and seemingly turning the world into what can only be described as a dumpster fire. But hey, at least Donald Trump isn’t in charge of the US anymore, so there’s that at least. Still, over three million people have died so far, and although Australia has done a relatively stellar job of keeping things under control when compared to the rest of the world, having to go through months of lock downs, including six weeks of hard lockdown, and all of the lost work and savings that entailed, was a trial to say the least.
As it has for the world over, COVID also meant that international travel is off the table, and all our grandiose plans for Europe part two have had to be set aside with Australian borders remaining closed with no sign of reopening in the near future. So, what do two wanderlust filled souls do when life throws them a curve ball? Well firstly they duck, because being hit with a ball fucking hurts; and secondly they adjust their footing, shuffle things around, and move the trip around Australia they had planned to do after the rest of the…